A Renewal of Hope – Welcome 2020!

It is time, as Greta Thunberg says, for us all to step up now, with a balance of optimism and outrage, and do whatever we can to help heal the world. The challenge is to maintain optimism in the face of bleak forecasts about our future; outrage and pessimism can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there are millions of people around the world who are looking to help and not to harm, people who are dedicating their lives to speaking up and sharing difficult truths.

As 2020 begins, there are millions of people who have opened their eyes and their hearts to the realities of animal agriculture, who are being the change they want to see in the world by making mindful choices every day! 2019 has been a year of great change, of shared knowledge and understanding, of voices raised and heard! The stores and restaurants are listening and so many vegan products are appearing on shelves and menus everywhere! People are realizing how much healthier they can be, how much happier their hearts are when not eating or using animal products! Perhaps best of all, they are discovering the amazing deliciousness of vegan food and how easily it can be made!

I am so thankful to have the opportunity to have this voice, this Yopp, a reason to feel helpful and hopeful as a new year begins. To my husband, without whose support and guidance this website would never have happened, I am eternally grateful. Sharing this creative adventure is the best! Michelle’s beautiful photography is such a joy! My daughters’ encouragement and support (and that of my wonderful, caring son-in-laws) continue to warm and motivate me. To all who read this and enjoy using some of these recipes, thank you for taking a chance and trying something new!( Your “likes” and “follows” are greatly appreciated!)

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Heartfelt thanks to all those who focus on love, compassion, and change for the better! Keep “Yopping”! May the year ahead bring the world closer together in peace, love, and understanding.

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