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Meals that Heal

“Let food be thy medicine…” Wise words from centuries ago and still so important to remember! Everything we eat has an effect on our bodies and our mental health; it’s just science! Eating mindfully every day can help prevent so many illnesses and even cure many! A strong immune system can most certainly help prevent people from getting the more common viruses; there are so many powerful stories of better health when a vegan diet is introduced! Personally, the shift was quite miraculous. As a teacher, I spent years getting colds, flus, and pneumonia regularly. Once my diet was completely vegan, that stopped! I seemed protected from all those aggressive bugs! It seemed too good to be true, but reading so many amazing and inspirational stories shared on the internet helped me acknowledge the essential truth: what you eat and drink makes a difference!

Some situations need special consideration. If someone is low in iron, it’s time to make some iron-rich lentil meals, like Lentil Chili or Roasted Butternut and Lentil Soup or Lentil Sheperd’s Pie; if someone has a cold or flu, feed them some Healing Veggie Soup; if someone needs to eat a bland diet, introduce them to vegan pancakes, rice noodles, or homemade oatmeal porridge! Bump up the healing with a Thai Green Curry; coloured peppers are so rich in vitamin C!

Eating the rainbow everyday is such a good way to stay healthy and feel great, but when you are feeling low, avoid sugars and refined or processed foods and fill up on roasted veggies, re-energizing Perfect Broccoli Salad, or easy, healthy soups, like this soothing Roasted Butternut Squash and Carrot Soup. Adding extra garlic and ginger makes things delicious and are proven healers!

Though we have been taught that taking pills and supplements will balance out a poor diet, statistics prove otherwise. First world health issues are often a result of consuming too much and what we are consuming is often the cause of our illnesses, though that truth is deliberately hidden by those who profit by it. Thankfully, the dark truths of the food industry are starting to be exposed and knowledge is being shared. Now that we know better, we can do better and be better!

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