
Rosy Garlic Vinegar

So easy and lovely, this combination makes a useful addition to your pantry and a great gift! Capture the colours and flavours of spring in a bottle! Use it to make a lovely vegan potato salad on a beautiful June day!

Rosy Potato Salad

A delicious side dish or a meal in itself, this combination of baby potatoes and fresh garden herbs, all soaked in a flower-powered dressing made with Rosy Garlic Vinegar will be popular! Lots of potato salad goodness without the eggs or mayo!

Sprouting Time

Anytime is a wonderful time to start growing a few fresh greens, even if the ground outside is too cold! If it becomes difficult, or already is, to buy fresh produce, this may help! A wonderful way to enjoy a healthy green addition to so many meals, sprouts are very […]

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Sprung Bowl

Spring has sprung! Enjoy this light and easy bowl version of spring rolls and enjoy all the fresh flavours and textures without having to roll anything! The flavour of this homemade Perfect Peanut Sauce is scrumptious!

Spring Garden Salad

A walk through a spring garden…on a plate! This is, perhaps, more of a suggestion than a recipe, but it is wonderful to expand your perspective on what should be in a salad! Be experimental and open to new textures and tastes! Include a rainbow of colours and a variety […]