Vegan Pecan Sticky Buns
Pillowy soft and perfectly sticky, enhanced with the richness of pecans and the goodness of organic raisins, these are a decadent treat any time! You can make the dough the day before and then put them all together for one quick rise before baking!
Servings Prep Time
15buns 2 1/2hours
Cook Time Passive Time
30minutes 1-2 hours – rising time
Servings Prep Time
15buns 2 1/2hours
Cook Time Passive Time
30minutes 1-2 hours – rising time
Sticky Topping
Bun Dough
Bun Dough
  1. Start by making the Bun Dough, as it needs some proofing/rising time. Warm the plant milk to feel warm to the touch. Add the 1 teaspoon of sugar and stir. Put your warm milk in a large mixing bowl, with a dough hook attachment, if available. Sprinkle the yeast over the warm milk and let sit for a few moments until you see foaminess. This shows that the yeast is active.
  2. Stir in the flax “eggs”, the 1/4 cup brown sugar, and salt.
  3. Add in the flour, one cup at a time and knead until the dough forms a soft, smooth ball and pulls away from the sides of the bowl. ( Too much flour will make a dry bun.)
  4. Oil the mixing bowl and turn the dough over to ensure all sides are oiled.
  5. Cover and let rise in a warm place until dough has doubled in size. This will probably take about an hour. While it is rising, prepare your sticky topping and filling. Optional process: put this dough in the fridge and let it rise slowly overnight. When you are ready to make the buns, let dough warm to room temperature and then proceed with making the buns. Now they can be ready for brunch!
Sticky Topping
  1. Prepare your cinnamon bun pan by combining all the Sticky Topping ingredients and then spreading them in a greased 9 x 13 inch pan.
Cinnamon Bun Creation
  1. Once dough has doubled, punch down and, on a sil pad or parchment paper, roll out to a large rectangle about 16 by 9.
  2. Combine the brown sugar, cinnamon, and salt. Spread the softened butter gently over the rectangle. Sprinkle the cinnamon mixture evenly over the butter and then sprinkle the chopped nuts and raisins over that.
  3. Roll up the rectangle from the long side, trying to keep a tight roll. Seal the long edge with a little pinching.
  4. Cut your buns with a a sharp knife into 15 even slices and place them 3 x 5, into your prepared pan.
  5. Cover and let rise for about 30-40 minutes. Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
  6. Bake cinnamon buns until deep golden brown and fully cooked through. This usually takes about 25-30 minutes. Be careful not to undercook these.
  7. When done, remove from oven and let sit for a couple of minutes. Run a knife along all the sides and then turn the pan upside down on to a serving tray or a baking sheets covered with parchment. Let sit upside down for a moment and then tap pan gently to loosen buns on to the tray.
  8. These are best when fresh and warm! Enjoy!
Recipe Notes

You can speed up rising time with the fast-rise or instant yeast. Enjoy these treats while warm and share them with friends or family on a rainy day!